(BRAMC) – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College

About BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College (BRAMC) came into being in 1981 under the stewardship of Sri.R.Gundu Rao in Kadugondanahalli, Bangalore, India. The college moved its campus to Kadugondanahalli in 1987. The college has state of the art building with magnificent architecture and accommodates an Administrative block, Trust office, Central Library, Pre-Clinical and Para-Clinical departments, Sports section, Auditorium, etc. (BRAMC) – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College was at first affiliated to Bangalore University and is now affiliated with the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.The mission of Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College is to
- Train doctors in the practice of medicine which is directed at serving the community.
- Provide the knowledge base, empathetic attitudes, and practical skills that are necessary to practice modern medicine.
- Build the character and skills of our doctors to encourage their growth into well rounded, caring human beings.
- Build and operate a hospital/hospital that offers high quality, low-cost medical care to underprivileged sections of society.
- Provide an atmosphere that fosters the academic growth of faculty members and facilitates scientific research.
- Empower the personal growth of all employees, and promote their physical, social, economic, and psychological well-being.
- Make a positive contribution to the betterment of SC and ST people by opening up new avenues for them to find better slots in the social hierarchy.
BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College Emblem
BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College was made by Ananda Social and Educational Trust whose untiring efforts resulted in the Government of Karnataka helped and funded in the making of the college. A central wand with entwined snakes symbolizing Greek and Roman Gods of health called Hermes and Mercury is adopted as a symbol of modern medical sciences. The wings above it depict the human soul called Hamsa in Indian Philosophy. “Gautama the Buddha” incorporated in the emblem is a depiction of peace love and harmony.Trustees
- Late Dr.N.T.Mohan
- P.L.Nanjundaswamy
- L.Shivalingaiah
- V.S.Kuber
- Late Sri. H.S.Shivaswamy
- M.K.Kempasiddaiah
- Late Sri. M.H.Jayaprakash Narayan
- Late Sri. B.Gopalaiah
- S.Gurappaji
- H.S.Mahadeva Prasad
- Radhakrishna
- N. T. Murali Mohan
Eligibility Criteria of BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
For candidates applying in BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College there are certain criteria’s they have to fulfill which are as follows:-
- General candidate’s minimum age should 17 years old and the maximum age should be 25 years old.
- The candidates of SC/ OBC/ ST are offered a relaxation of 5 years for the upper age limit.
- All candidates applying should have taken Physics, Chemistry and Biology examinations in HSSC.
- All candidates should have passed with a minimum of 50% for the above-mentioned subjects.
- Students belonging to SC/ OBC/ ST have a relaxation of 10% for the minimum passing marks.
For MD:
- Candidates must have full registration recognized by the Medical Council of India, and have completed a one-year internship from a recognized institution.
- Appearance in NEET is compulsory.
For MS:
- Candidates must have full registration recognized by the Medical Council of India, and have completed a one-year internship from a recognized institution.
- Appearance in NEET is compulsory.
Admission Criteria for BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
When a candidate has fulfilled all the eligibility criteria conditions they move on to the admission process. Admission is conducted via the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). In NEET the candidate has to score a minimum of 50%, however, students of ST/ SC/ OBC have to score a minimum of 45%. The entrance test has 180 MCQs with 4 options to choose from. Moreover, the exam is conducted in 3 hours and the number of question per subject is as follows:Subjects | No of Questions |
Chemistry | 45 |
Physics | 45 |
Zoology | 45 |
Botany | 45 |
Total | 180 |
- The maximum number of marks a candidate can achieve is 720.
- For every correct answer, the candidate gets 4 marks and for every wrong answer, the candidate loses one mark.
- The exam has to be performed with a black or blue pen.
- The questions from the above subjects are related to the information the candidate studied at 10+2 levels at school.
- Candidate having higher marks in Biology, NEET.
- Candidate having higher marks in Chemistry, NEET.
- Candidate older in age.
- 10th class examination mark sheet and certificate.
- HSC examination mark sheet and certificate.
- NEET admit card and score sheet.
- Course and Conduct certificate.
- Caste certificate for candidates seeking SC/ ST/ OBC quota.
Courses Offered by Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
- MD Anatomy
- MD Physiology
- MD Biochemistry
- MD Pathology
- MD Microbiology
- MD Pharmacology
- MD Forensic Medicine
- MD Com. Medicine
- MS Ophthalmology
- MD General Medicine
- MS Gen. Surgery
- MD Pediatrics
- MS Orthopedics
- MD Radio-diagnosis
- MD Anesthesiologist
- Ortho
- DVD (Dermatology)
- DCP (Pathology)
- DA (Anaesthesia)
- DOMS (Ophthalmol)
- Anatomy
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
- Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- Community Medicine
- General Medicine
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
- Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases
- General Surgery
- Orthopedics
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Ophthalmology
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Anesthesiology
- Radiology
- Pediatrics
- Emergency Medicine
- Super Specialty
Seat Allocated to Post-Graduate Courses
S. No | Course | No. of seats allocated |
1. | MD Anatomy | 01 |
2. | MD Physiology | 01 |
3. | MD Biochemistry | 01 |
4. | MD Pathology | 04 |
5. | MD Microbiology | 02 |
6. | MD Pharmacology | 03 |
7. | MD Forensic Medicine | 01 |
8. | MD Com. Medicine | 01 |
9. | MS Ophthalmology | 02 |
10. | MS ENT | 02 |
11. | MS General Medicine | 06 |
12. | MS General Surgery | 03 |
13. | MS OBG | 01 |
14. | MD Pediatrics | 01 |
15. | MS Orthopedics | 01 |
16. | MD Radio-Diagnosis | 01 |
17. | MD Anesthesiology | 01 |
18. | MD DVL | 01 |
19. | DGO | 02 |
20. | D. Ortho | 01 |
21. | DVD (Dermatology) | 01 |
22. | DCP (Pathology) | 01 |
23. | DA (Anesthesia) | 01 |
24. | DOMS (Ophthalmology) | 01 |
List of P.G.Degree/Diploma Courses with an annual intake
Phase | Subjects to be studied | Duration | No. of terms | Information |
Phase I (Pre-clinical) | Anatomy, Physiology Biochemistry | 1 Year | 2 | After successful completion of all the subjects of Phase I examination of the university, the students become eligible to enter the Para clinical phase. No carryover of subjects is permissible |
Phase II (Para clinical) | Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology Forensic Medicine | 1.5 Years | 3 | During this period the students also learn the basics of clinical subjects and Community medicine. The clinical training starts in this phase. After successful completion of all the subjects of the Phase II examination of the university, the students become eligible to enter the clinical phase-III (Part 1). No carryover of subjects is permissible |
Phase III – Clinical Part-I | Community Medicine, Ophthalmology ENT | 1 Year | 2 | After successful completion of all the subjects of Phase III (Part 1) examination of the university, the students become eligible to enter the clinical phase. No carryover of subjects is permissible |
Phase III – Clinical Part-II | Medicine, Paediatrics,Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology | 1 Year | 2 | After successful completion of all the subjects of Phase III (Part 2) examination of the university, the students become eligible for the compulsory internship during which phase the students learn to diagnose and treat the diseased independently. |
The Central Library has 16500 books which comprise of text and reference in all medical specialties. In addition to this, it has 2 separate blocks and B block works 24 hours throughout the year. The library is enriched with digital facilities and computer systems. Students, Faculty, Research workers, and other staff extensively make use of the facilities. Readers have access to audio-visual aids, Micro Film Reader, and internet facility. The Library is connected to the HELINET consortium offered by RGUHS for full-text online journal and E-books databases and computerized. furthermore, Postgraduates, graduates and researchers get the latest references through these apart from books, for their dissertation and research and publication work. Services include book bank, Photocopying, scanning for digitizing purpose and laser printing too. Both Foreign and Indian medical journals are subscribed to meet the demands of learning and to keep abreast of recent literature. Apart from the central library, every department maintains its departmental library facility for its staff and PG students.Hostel
The college runs hostels for the men and women students separately within the campus at Kadugondanahalli. The hostel buildings with spacious rooms, lounges, recreation room having color television sets in each of the hostels, with all other modern amenities, are built to ensure the comfortable stay of the inmates, and a proper atmosphere for study. The women students’ hostel, to ensuring the absolute safety of the inmates, is fenced properly and secured.Admission to Hostel
Students desirous of availing of the hostel facility must apply to the concerned hostel warden. Applications will be considered by the Principal, in consultation with the warden. The names of the selected applicants will be announced on the respective hostel notice boards before the reopening of the college. The principal has the right to grant or refuse admission to the hostel to any student at his discretion without assigning any reason for his decision.Hostel Administration
The administration of each hostel is vested in the respective warden. A separate hostel committee for men and women hostels is constituted for administrative purposes. Each committee is formed by the Principal, four senior professors, the wardens and two student representatives residing in the hostel. This committee meets at frequent intervals to review and lay down necessary guidelines to run the hostel efficiently, economically and in a disciplined way. The Student representatives run the mess in the men and women hostel under the supervision and guidance of the warden.Room Allotment
The allotment of rooms is solely at the discretion of the warden concerned. Boarders shall not change the rooms allotted, to them without the permission of the warden concerned.Payment of Hostel Fees
Every student selected for admission into the hostel will have to make a non-refundable deposit and the prescribed rent and other chargesFacilities provided by BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
Healthy and hygienic food for every student is provided at the mess.Sports and Cultural Activities at Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College lays great emphasis on the development of the student. The college campus has a spacious sports ground and materials for several outdoor and indoor activities. A committee, headed by the Principal and comprising of Physical Director, sports secretary and talented members of the staff, and student representatives, manage the sports activities. Students take a keen interest in literary and cultural activities. The College Day, Graduation Day, competitions on Karnataka Rajyothsava are some of the platforms for literary and cultural activities. A college magazine is brought out with articles mostly contributed by students and staff.Transport Facility
College buses run in the various parts of the city for the commutation of students and staff from their destination to college and back home on nominal charges. The transport facility is also available to send students to various health centers for training purposes.Internet
Every Department and hospital has a dedicated internet connection on the campus and provides round the clock access to resources on the net. A wireless network is also enabled in the college building, OPD block, Hospital, Library & Classrooms.Cafeteria
There are a canteen and a Coffee shop on the campus. The canteen provides hygienic multi-cuisine awesome food throughout the day.ATM Facility
An ATM is conveniently located on the campus.Student Life at Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College
After getting into BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College, it truly feels like conquering the apex of medical education while actually, it’s just the start of an invaluable journey. Studying at BRAMC – Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College means that you are part of a diverse student body in India. Both academically and personally, opportunities for growth are endless and student life at the university is vibrant and enjoyable.Making Friends:
The best way to loosen up and to get rid of some of that beginner’s anxiety is to make friends. However, keep in mind that you’ll have to spend the next 5 years and 6 months with these people so choose your friends wisely. Be with people who help you when needed and who enjoy with you in leisure time but also help you stay focused and keep you on track. Avoid conflicts and if you do end up in one try to solve it as soon as possible because it would be advantageous in the long run. Help out other, this way you can make more allies than enemies and they would end up helping you in time of need.Self-Study:
Conditions will not always be favorable in life and hence not always at your college too. College life sometimes even gets to the best of students, who then find themselves frustrated and unable to continue. Some things are not under a person’s control so make sure that you give your all to the things that you can control. A lot of times, only attending lectures is not enough. Suppose, for one course, you end up with a lecturer whose methods of teaching do not resonate with your methods of learning. Even though you attend every class, you still have trouble understanding the lectures. In that case, what you have to do is ask around for help while that knowledge is still fresh in your mind. Ask a classmate or a friend to explain it to you. If not ask the CR or the TA to help but do not leave things at the last minute. What has been proven to help students the most is group studying. With your group of friends, set aside time for group study sessions at least once a week if not every other day. Don’t hesitate from asking for help and don’t hesitate from helping someone else out either. Teaching others can help you too in memorizing things. If one desires, he can find out several ways to help himself.Dr. Najeeb:
Not at all like school, college requires a ton of self-contemplating and may not be as natural as you’d like. There will be a lot of occasions where self-improvement will be required. Likewise, the teachers will only be able to convey so much knowledge to you. In some cases, the conditions could request a little diligent work from your end. For instance, the instructor appointed to you will most likely be unable to impart knowledge as effectively, or their techniques aren’t like those you’re accustomed to. At times like this one can only resort to taking help from either a friend or the internet. That’s where Dr. Najeeb lectures come in. Dr. Najeeb Lectures provides students with a vast number of videos lectures on almost all the courses in the current curriculum of medical colleges, providing content on the subject of Gross Anatomy, Neuro-anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology. The video lectures offer a perception of the material that you learn about in course-books thus making it a lot less demanding to understand it. In addition to this, they contain hand-drawn illustrations of well-ordered procedures that help in the maintenance of information. Furthermore, you can get lifetime access to and download their application making them accessible at anyplace.Hard work and Dedication:
As stated before, university is a marathon and you cannot lose hope or pause even for a second. When your university starts, to make life easier for yourself always revise daily so that you do not have a lot of workload when exams are near. Always set a timetable for the things you need to get done, like assignments or preparation of an exam and get them done as soon as possible. Never leave anything for the next day when it can be done on that day. Best of luck!Get in Touch with BRAMC Address: Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College Kadugondanahalli Bangalore 560045 E-Mail: drbramc@yahoo.co.in Tel: 080 282 23 23 / 080-25476498