University of Rochester School of Medicine (URMC)


The University of Rochester School of Medicine is located in Western New York, Rochester. It was established in 1850. University of Rochester School of Medicine, one of the world’s leading research universities, has a long tradition of breaking boundaries. It is always pushing and challenging, learning and unlearning expeditions. University of Rochester School of Medicine is transforming ideas into realities that are creating value and making the world even better. It has a total enrolment of 6,535 undergraduates, its location is suburban, and the size of the campus is 707 acres. This uses an academic calendar based on a semester. The ranking of University of Rochester School of Medicine in the “Best Colleges version of 2020” is 29th among National universities.

    Mission OF University of Rochester School of Medicine (URMC)

    URMC aims:

  • To ensure that the patients always have access to the highest-trained physicians, the most advanced technology and the most effective treatments. University of Rochester School of Medicine plans to introduce the latest technology.
  • To attract the best doctors and to develop the best physicians by using the newest technology. 
  • To invent and improve the technology.
  • To make any treatment available at any of the country’s top medical centers available at URMC.
  • To become the leading medical research center in the country.
  • Provide a stimulating environment to facilitate the exploration of collaboration.
  • To introduce new findings and identify ways to speed up the translation process of clinical care stem cells, genetics/genomics, nanotechnologies, and medical imaging. 
  • To provide excellent educational programs in the country by training the region’s next generation of university leaders, physicians/scientists, and clinicians.
  • Vision

  • Rochester University aims to continue to frame and solve the future’s greatest challenges.
  • University of Rochester School of Medicine aims to form a society where everyone who works, teaches, makes, and cares is accepted and valued, and where everyone can follow and achieve their highest aspirations for themselves, their community, and the world.
  • University of Rochester School of Medicine is steeped in the rich history of social justice and entrepreneurship in Rochester and aims to be inclusive, equitable, sustainable and sensitive at all levels.
  • Core Values

    URMC takes responsibility for planning the programs, creating and implementing the services, assessing results, and connect as a society. 


    URMC is always trying to be better for everyone.


    Diversity, inclusion, and access are URMC’s commitments.


    URMC takes initiative to exemplify competence and share responsibility.


    With integrity, commitment, and justice, URMC operates.


    URMC ensures to promote freedom of thought, investigation, and expression.


    URMC respects the differences and makes efforts both individually and collectively.

Applying to URMC

  • Applicants have to be U.S. residents or U.S. Permanent Residents (besides the University of Rochester undergraduates).
  • From an accredited college or university an undergraduate degree is required.
  • We prefer science coursework to be completed in a U.S. or Canadian college.

  • Coursework for Science

    1. One year of biology with laboratory. Biochemistry or botany will not fulfill this requirement.
    2. One year of physics with laboratory.
    • One year of chemistry with a laboratory is required.
    • Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) no more than four years previous to matriculation.
    • Casper – All applicants are required to finish a mandatory online computer-based test designed to ensure fairness and objectivity in our selection process. Casper assesses for non-cognitive abilities and interpersonal traits we believe are essential for success. To see the sample of the test structure, schedule your test and take Casper in your chosen test date, please go to takeCasper.Com and take a test.

    Admission Requirements

      Conditions for Acceptance and continuation of Degree

    • If you are currently an undergraduate, you must complete all bachelor’s degree requirements before matriculating at the URMC. If you are currently enrolled in a graduate program, you must complete all advanced degree requirements before matriculation.
    • Applicants are bound to have only one medical school position at a time after the 30th of April. The acceptances that you possess will be reported by AMCAS to medical university. For the betterment of applicants on the waiting list, try to make your decision your decision as soon as possible and inform the Admissions Office of CWRU.
    • All acceptances to the URMC of Medicine are contingent upon satisfactory completion of all future course work. If you score a grade ‘C’ you will have to give a written explanation. Re-evaluation will be held in case of a ‘D’ grade.
    • Requirements

    • All candidates applying should have completed at least 90 semester hours of course work in an accredited Canadian or U.S. college.
    • Applicants who are not U.S. nationals or permanent residents in the U.S. can apply as well, provided that they have completed a minimum of 90 semester hours of course work in an accredited Canadian or U.S college.
    • Applicants who present MCAT test scores, those test scores can be from the current version of MCAT or the future version of MCAT, however, the test should be taken no later than 30th September of the year before matriculation.
    • The average GPA and MCAT for the entering class of 2019 was:
    • 3.78 Cumulative GPA with a range of 3.24-4.00
    • 3.75 Science GPA with a range of 3.11-4.00
    • 518 MCAT, with a range of 504-526. Mode: 519

    Important Dates

      October 15:

      The American Medical Colleges Application Service (AMCAS) is available for submission of applications on 5 June 2018. The submission deadline is 15 October. URMC sends an email with instructions on how to apply for a second application form. When a confirmed application from AMCAS is received by the university. Secondary application forms are to be obtained through the user portal.

      November 3:

      Test deadline.

      November 15:

      Secondary application due on November 15ththrough the applicant site, along with a $100 non-refundable fee.

      November 22:

      Recommendation letters are due. These must be sent through the Letter Service of AMAS. Recommendation letters sent on official letterhead may be a combined letter

      from your school or a letter from your pre-health advisory committee, or a total of 3 letters.

      September 1 :

      Interviews are conducted by invitation at the Medical Center and are required for admission.

      March 15:

      Students are called for interviews and interviews are conducted at the Medical Center.

      March 1:

      All decisions for an interview will be completed.

    Courses Offered

      Master’s Program

    • MS Clinical Investigation
    • MS Dental Sciences
    • MS Biomedical Engineering
    • MS Epidemiology
    • MS Services and Policy
    • MS Pharmacology
    • MS Physiology
    • MS Public Health
    • MS Nurse Practitioner Programs
    • MS Clinical Nurse Leader
    • MS Health Care Organization Management and Leadership 
    • MS Dual-Degree Accelerated Programs 
    • MS Nursing Education 
    • MS Medical Humanities
    • MS Medical Statistics
    • MS Medical Technology Innovation
    • MS Microbiology
    • MS Neurobiology and Anatomy
    • MS Immunology, Microbiology and Virology

    • Ph.D. Program

    • D. Toxicology
    • D. Translational Biomedical Science
    • D. Physiology
    • D. Pharmacology
    • D. Doctor of Nursing Practice
    • D. Dual-Degree Accelerated Programs 
    • D. Cell Biology of Disease
    • D. Epidemiology
    • D. Health Services Research and Policy.
    • D. Immunology, Microbiology and Virology
    • D. Neurobiology and Anatomy
    • D. Neuroscience.
    • D. Medical Scientist Training Program
    • D.  Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 
    • D.  Biology
    • D.  Biomedical Engineering
    • D.  Biophysics, Structural, and Computational Biology
    • D.  Brain & Cognitive Sciences
    • D.  Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology


    • Sports

    • Along with studies exercise and fitness is a must. URMC promotes its students to go ahead and participate in sports activities. URMC offers badminton, basketball, kickball, dodgeball, soccer, softball, squash, and volleyball. The university has a huge gymnasium which is very well equipped and up to date. Big basketball courts, widespread soccer grounds, modern volleyball and squash courts add to the extravagant sports facilities at URMC.

    • Library

    • There are seven libraries operated by the university. Hundreds of volumes, journals, research papers and uncountable online collection of relevant material are available at URMC libraries. Libraries offer the services of borrowing, renewing & requesting, availing course resources, having a citation, finding the article, taking interlibrary loan, accessing course reserves, placing materials on reserve, printing, computers, software, reserving study rooms and every possible assistance.

    • Housing Facility

    • University offers housing facilities to the students both on-campus and off-campus. It is up to the students to choose to live on campus or outside. Campus accommodations include residence halls, sororities and fraternities, apartments, and townhouses.

    After Getting Admitted into URMC School of Medicine

    Medical is an extremely devoted profession that requires complete focus and attention. Being able to go through all the stress and exhaustion of the process of pre-medical preparation and ultimately becoming successful in achieving the goal of entering a medical college is a very big achievement itself. But that doesn’t end the quest, it’s just the beginning of a new era of hard work. The Life at a Medical College goes is like a roller coaster ride, and to become a successful physician and beat those challenges few tips are mentioned below:

      Use Visual Aids:

      When revising, visual aids can be very effective. Challenge yourself at the beginning of a subject to write down what you already know about a topic and then show where the loopholes are. Condense the revision notes to one-page diagrams closer to the test. Sorting your ideas down in this short format will help you remember everything you need to learn during the exam quickly. Visuals or pictures or diagrams have a tendency to stay in your memory for a very long time. So, try to study by keeping diagrams and pictures in front of you.

      Management of Time:

      Every single person has 24 hours in a day but some of us are able to make full use of our time and others are unable to do so. This is where time management comes into play those who manage their time well achieve their goals and become successful. You first have to find out what is taking most of your time enlist those activities and avoid those activities completely. After doing so you should set a time limit for each task that is to be fulfilled. Plan ahead of time and form a schedule for the important tasks to be completed. After planning the schedule strictly follow the schedule.

      Dr. Najeeb Lectures:

      One of the biggest problems being faced by university students and especially medical college students is that they don’t get assistance for concepts they don’t understand if the teacher, TA or senior is unavailable. Students get disheartened when they are unable to perform well in a certain major or subject but you don’t need to worry about in such critical times you can always access Dr. Najeeb’s Lectures. These are video lectures which are an incredible source for self-studying.

       Dr. Najeeb’s Lectures are the world’s best medical lectures, covering every aspect of Gross Anatomy, Neuro-anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology. These lectures comprise of visualizations of knowledge delivered by books. These lectures also comprise of hand-drawn illustrations to further clarify concepts of students. Furthermore, one can get lifetime access to these lectures and even download the app to avail them anytime, anywhere.

      Hard Work Along with Smart Work is Needed

      Studying medicine is expected to work harder on average than most students in other fields. There are usually more hours of communication than other subjects with a lot of time-consuming activities and lectures. Of course, when you’re working, it’s not just the communication hours, lecture notes need to be read, papers need to be published, activities should be organized and managed. This is particularly true because your workload can vary from week to week, sometimes setting up a lot of work and sometimes spending a whole week with very little to do. Therefore, it is important to be flexible with how you work and understand that you will sometimes have to put in a long period of work in order to have time off when you need it. And there is a need for hard work and intelligent work to achieve your goals.

      Form Connections

      If you are focused on taking your life/career/business to the advanced level, then why not associate with people on that level. This will help you in broadening your vision to bigger prospects. It is natural to feel most comfortable with people who are like you, and there is nothing wrong with that. But it is sometimes best to step outside of your comfort zone for out of your comfort zone is where you will be able to make big achievements. Find friends who bring forward challenges for you and motivate you towards betterment.

      Always Stay Positive

      You should never give up hope. There may be times when things don’t go smoothly but always remain positive, holding the spirits high. You have to remain positive and keep up with the hard work. You’ve got to have confidence and trust in yourself because if you’ve faced all the challenges, nothing can frighten you now. Finally, we would like to inspire you to work determinedly and become the most qualified doctors.

      In the end, we would like to remind you that you are extremely capable individuals who can make great contributions to the medical world. Don’t give up in hard times, keep our tips in mind and Good luck!


    Here’s what students are saying about Dr. Najeeb Lectures.

    Lizi Klein Los Angeles, California
    Lizi Klein
    This is singularly the best investment I made for the first year of medical school. Each video is a jackpot of information with amazing drawings, great energy, and a phenomenal professor!
    Kathryn Giroux Whitefish, Ontario
    Kathryn Giroux
    Currently, the only things saving my embryology and 1st-trimester ultrasound marks - keep the wealth of education flowing! Highly recommended!
    Maryam Moradi The University of Texas, Austin
    Maryam Moradi
    I bought lifetime access because I believe there is no better source for learning the foundation of medicine. I strongly recommend him to anyone who cares about true learning and not merely memorizing!
    Jackson David Reynolds University of North Georgia
    Jackson David Reynolds
    Dr. Najeeb Lectures are top notch. Comprehensive medical lectures of the utmost quality across all preclinical (and many clinical) topics. Fantastic for deepening one's understanding for clinical practice and licensing/board examinations.
    Jacob Joseph Columbus, Ohio
    Jacob Joseph
    Dr. Najeeb is the single most spectacular medical teacher you will ever have! I love this man. He has clarified everything from the coagulation cascade, immunology, neurology, and embryology. His sense of humor and brilliant illustrations make everything stick well in your memory. His ability to illustrate 3-dimensional relationships has been useful for excelling in anatomy. I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful work you do. I recommend your lectures to anyone who wants to truly understand medicine!
    Ann Ilaria Mayrhofer London School of Hygiene.
    Ann Ilaria Mayrhofer
    I'm grappling with my online studies in Infectious Disease at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It's made me realize what a visual learner I still am. So these vids are making what was murky crystal clear. While I am easily distracted when I have to do hours of straight reading, I am glued to the videos. I've looked for a series of such videos for months. A million thanks - Dr Najeeb has a true passion for teaching and can convey highly complex topics in an understandable and fun way.


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